Monthly Archives: March 2014

Why Learn WordPress

Why-WordpressAfter all of my research on all the different CMS platforms out there, The CMS platform that I want to learn the most and you should to is WordPress. WordPress has evolved into a full-blown Content Management System (CMS). It’s not just a blogging platform anymore, but, what I believe is the best open-source platform on the market now.

Everything that makes up WordPress is open source. The functionalities and features such as Comments, Posts, Installation Facility, Galleries, Trash boxes, Plugins and much more, are regularly added and updated by the developers on the WordPress database.

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Evaluation of GetSimple and WordPress

wordpress-vs-getsimpleIn our last post, I compared GetSimple (a flat-file CMS) to WordPress (a data-driven CMS) to see which one was the better CMS platform to use for your client. The conclusion was that it really depends on your client’s needs for their impending website. Each platform has its own strengths and weaknesses, and does a great job in helping the user manage their content effectively.

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You Choose…Database-Driven or Flat-File CMS?

GetSimple_CMS_LogoWhich one will you choose? GetSimple is an open-source; XML based, stand-a-alone, fully independent and lite Content Management System. It uses a flat-file system instead of being database-driven. Instead of storing its data in a standard database, it stores data in a plain text file. Each line of the text file holds one record, with fields separated by delimiters, such as commas or tabs. While it uses a simple structure, a flat file database cannot contain multiple tables like a relational database can.

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